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Contant us

Hebei Zhuji Hard Alloy Co., Ltd

ADD:Qinghe County , Hebei Province, No. 62 River Street Park International Cashmere


TEL:+86-319-8225268 8167618



Current Position:Chinese>>English>>Technical >>Technical assistance

Technical assistance

It is the ultimate pursuit of all manufacturers to realize efficiency in metal processing. Faced with continuously product pattern updating and new working tools and materials, cutting tools have become a crucial process factor for the optimization of production technique. During the production, the product quality, work rate and processing frequency of the assembling line, even the final working efficiency, are affected directly by the precision, cutting speed and service life of the cutting tools.

Zhuji could supply the technique support to solve your technique problems.

When problems happen in your cutting production, our veteran engineers would come to your help at first time.

For any technique assistance, please call :+86-319-8167618    400-0612-033 

Technique assistance E-mail: 

FAX:+86-319-8296856 ZIP:054800
TEL:+86-319-8225268 8167618

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